
屡获殊荣的冷榨油生产商 Kentish Oils and Condiments 已迁入专门建造的工厂, 三明治附近最先进的工厂, 肯特.

工厂建设是在经历了一段大幅增长之后, 与库克赢得了两份大额新合同, 屡获殊荣的冷冻即食食品制造商,总部位于锡廷伯恩和希吉迪派斯, a Shoreham based manufacturer of pies and quiches.

Kitted out to the highest specification to meet rigorous food safety and accreditation standards, the build also includes a development kitchen with an expanded range of equipment.

The move increases Kentish Oil and Condiment’s production capacity to manage the increasing demand for products but also creates new opportunities for the business, allowing them to work with other companies to ‘own label’ products on their behalf.

As part of the expansion, the company have invested in new equipment which will allow them to produce hot fill products such as jams and chutneys, expanding their current product range.

Kentish Oils and Condiment’s Owner, Laura Bounds MBE, said “It’s such an exciting time for the business and the new factory marks the next stage in our ambitious growth plans. Our state-of-the-art facilities will allow us to develop further partnerships and collaborate with bigger food manufacturing businesses like Cook and Higgidy pies, along with plenty of our own product development too, which I know our customers have been looking forward to.

Whilst manufacturing in the new unit has already started, the development kitchen will be up and running from September.