
Der Weihnachtsmonat ist in vollem Gange, Und wir freuen uns sehr, eine spannende Rezeptreihe mit freundlicher Genehmigung unseres guten Freundes Bowleys Restaurant im Plough mitzubringen, um Ihre Weihnachtsgerichte zu inspirieren. Hier ist ihr Salsa-Verde-Rezept!


  • 1 Tasse frische Basilikumblätter, verpackt
  • 1/2 Tasse Kentisches Basilikumöl
  • 2 Knoblauchzehen
  • 2 Esslöffel Kapern
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Wash and dry the fresh basil leaves, removing any stems.
  2. Combine the basil leaves, Knoblauch, capers, and lemon juice in a food processor or blender. Blend until the ingredients are finely chopped and well combined.
  3. With the food processor running, slowly drizzle in the Kentish basil oil until the mixture reaches a smooth, sauce-like consistency. You may need to scrape down the sides of the processor with a spatula to ensure everything is well incorporated.
  4. Taste the Salsa Verde and season with salt and pepper to your liking. Adjust the lemon juice or other ingredients as needed.
  5. Transfer the Salsa Verde to a bowl or an airtight container.
  6. You can use the Salsa Verde immediately as a sauce for pasta, grilled meats, or vegetables

They currently pair this with their tender stem side dish; it’s a vibrant and flavourful sauce that adds a burst of basil and brings warmth to your dishes.

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