Los juegos de regalo Kentish Oils se han lanzado en el sitio web

Acabamos de hacer que sea más fácil encontrar el regalo perfecto para un chef en ciernes o un amante de la gastronomía lanzando nuestros hermosos juegos de regalo de aceite de colza prensado en frío en el sitio web., justo a tiempo para navidad.

Ahora hemos agregado los dos juegos de regalo variantes a la tienda del sitio web., meaning our wonderful customers can purchase directly from us.

Our beautifully presented gift sets come available in two different variations and are made up of 4 x 250ml bottles. The first option is made up of Original Rapeseed Oil and three blends: Rapeseed Oil with Lemon, Jalapeño, Garlic and Herb. The second option contains Original and three other blends: Albahaca, Mint and Rosemary.

We take great pride in our products and their provenance; the oil is grown, pressed and bottled in Kent; meaning customers can rest assured that the product is all locally sourced. The original and blended oils are versatile and ideal for frying, roasting or baking, you can find some inspiration on our socials.

Did you know, they are also a fabulous alternative to other oils containing half the saturated fat of olive oil while boasting great flavour. An added plus is that they are also gluten-free and suitable for vegans.

Available to purchase here now https://kentishcondiments.com/shop/

Gift Sets Priced at£18.00 (plus delivery)