

食谱由 帕特里克希尔

Patrick Hill 是 Thackeray 餐厅的主厨,最初加入团队时是 18.

萨克雷的精神是建立在出处之上的, 注重细节和创造力, 菜单提供可供所有人享用的餐饮选择.


  • 650g ’00’ flour (or strong white flour)
  • 7g dried yeast
  • 2 一茶匙盐
  • 25ml Kentish Oils Rapeseed Oil blended with Basil
  • 50ml warm milk
  • 325ml warm water


  1. Mix the flour, yeast, 盐, oil and milk in a mixer
  2. Add in the warm water and kneed for 10 minutes until smooth
  3. Allow to prove for one hour until double in size
  4. Knock the dough back and divide into 6 equal balls, place into the fridge until ready to roll out and cook.

Extra tip: Kentish Oils Rapeseed Oil blended with Jalepeño is perfect for drizzling over your finished pizza.