Wild Garlic Oil and Crust

wild garlic oil and crust

Recipe by Nicky Martin

Nicky Martin is Head Chef at The Carriage in Faversham, based at the Railway hotel. Their dining philosophy is to serve tempting, delicious dishes using the freshest, locally sourced, seasonal produce.


  • 2 Bunches of wild garlic
  • 500ml bottle of Kentish Oil
  • 1 Handful each of dill, tarragon and parsley
  • 2 Handfuls of breadcrumbs


  1. Dunk the wild garlic into boiling water for 10 seconds then straight into ice water. This gives it a more vibrant colour.
  2. Drain and squeeze out excess water, place wild garlic and oil into a liquidiser and blitz for a minute. Or strain the liquid through a fine sieve or chinois then return oil to bottle save the pulp for another recipe.
  3. For a fish crust add a hand full of each dill, tarragon and parsley chopped with left over wild garlic pulp garlic then mix in a couple of handful of breadcrumbs and store until needed.

To use this crust in a lamb dish the dill and tarragon can be swapped for mint, rosemary and thyme.

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